Interest Topics
- Traditional Sports and Games
- Physical Education and Sports for Disabled
- Physical Education and Sports
- Innovation and Sports
- Global Goals and Sports
- Field Investigations and Laboratory Analysis of Rocks and Soils Mechanics
- Geodynamic Processes and Geomechanics
- Slop Stability Models and Management
- Risk Management for the Surface Protection
- Directional and Horizontal Drilling and Tomography Methods
- Applied Physiology and Exercise
- Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation
- Health and Fitness
- Technological Support in Sport Medicine
- Sport Biomechanics
- Biosignals and Biodevices Engineering
- Variability and Signal Analysis in Human Movement Studies
- Traditional Sports and Games Coaching
- Training and Testing
- New Developments in Sports Performance Hardware
- Exercise and Training Sciences
- Modeling of Adaptation, and Training
- Modeling of Performance and Fatigue
- Optimization of Strategies for Best Performance
- Aging and Exercise
- Exergames
- Talent Diagnostics and Development
- Sports for All and Olympism
- Sports Tourism
- Sports Sociology
- Sports Psychology
- Sports Physiology
- Sports Philosophy
- Sports Nutrition
- Sports Marketing
- Sports Economics
- Sports History
- Sports Management
- Sports and Discrimination
*Other Related Areas of Sport Science
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